Praying Homage to Lord Buddha

Usually, we have been asked to recite this chant (Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sam Buddhassa). This is an offering of Buddhist Chanting before we start to chant the Mantra to all worshipped Buddha, deities, devas, and amulets. What does this verse mean, and why do we recite it?
It is one of the commonest Buddhist affirmations found all over the Buddhist world. It is in a language of Northern Indian origin called Pali, which may be similar to that of Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha. Each word has many shades of meaning, but whatever particular flavor is chosen, the message is clear.
However, we should usually pay full respect to the supremely Enlightened One in a normal situation. We recite this verse 3 times to pay respect and homage to the Supreme Enlightened One first, before inviting the blessings of Buddha, deities, divas’ and other being onto the amulets with the respective Mantra, which we can use to perform each day.
This Mantra means: May Lord Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha or Triple Gems bless my entire request successfully. And then wear the chain of amulets onto your neck.
You may also recite this verse while paying respect and praying to any Buddha status or image you see anytime and anywhere, with the vision of Lord Buddha in your heart.
It is recorded that during Lord Buddha’s time, his students would recite this verse to express their devotion and appreciation to Lord Buddha and his teachings. This explanation of its meaning is as follows:

Namo Tassa Bhagavato, Arahato, Samma Sam Buddhassa
I pay homage to the Blessed One, the One who is free from defilement, the One Perfectly Enlightened by himself.
It can also be translated more simply as:
Homage to the Holy One, the Worthy One, and the Fully Enlightened One.
Or it also can be recited in a shortened version as:
Namo Buddhaya
This is an ancient language of Indian origin where much of the original Buddhist Scriptures are first recorded.